Sequential Art Projects

I have been enchanted by the comic book medium since I was young, and it was only a matter of time before I learned about comic books and the superheroes within. Listed below are my attempts to follow in that tradition with my own original characters, and an experiment into long-form (weekly) novella. Included is my entry in the 24-Hour Comic Book Contest in 2012.

WorldClash: Io series

Created for the club magazine for the Japanese Animation Club of Tallahassee (JACT) with John Sweeney, this series followed the exploits of five college students trying to break into the world of international mecha combat on the Jovian moon of Io. Please be aware I did not know of G Gundam when I made this manga.

WorldClash: Io #1

WorldClash: Io #2

WorldClash: Io #3

WorldClash: Io #4

The Cordoba Chronicles series

Created in 1995 amid a maelstrom of hormones and homework, I was heavily influenced by the TV show “Hercules: the Legendary Journeys” and “Spartakus and the Sun Beneath the Sea/Les Mondes Engloutis”. This comic also served my own need for a creative outlet.

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #1

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #2

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #3

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #4

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #5

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #6

Cordoba Chronicles Book 1, #7

Cordoba Chronicles Book 4: The Necromancer’s Fury

I skipped Cordoba Chronicles Book 2 and 3 because I was focused on graduating college; manuscripts are floating about my study now. After college, I decided to try my hand at comics again. This was my experiment with long-form novellas, over 2 years between 2004 and 2005. The illustrations were added to my Geocities webpage as part of an ongoing written story.

AWOL: Adolescent Warriors of Life

My take on all the superhero teams coming out of Image and Wildstorm comics, I decided to use a mixed media approach and paste in certain elements. This was created in 1996 or 1997.

24-Hour Comic Book Day

In 2012 and 2013, I participated in the 24-Hour Comic Book Day Drawing Contest. The goal is to plot, draw, ink, and color a comic book in a 24-hour non-stop marathon. The places that hold the events lock you in while you draw. Once complete, you turn yours in and it can be selected to win the prize of publication.
While I got close, I never did do the full 24 hours. I have two projects from those contests: one about my tabletop gaming hobby, and another that was a collaboration with artist Eryn Mathiew.

The Tale of Aild Sky: 2012 24-Hour Comic Book Day Contest
A short comic book about the legend of the trickster wizard Aild Sky. Created for the 24-Hour Comic Book Day Event.

Sexy Apple-Knight & Squire Archibald vs. the Devil: 2013 24-Hour Comic Book Day Contest (incomplete)

Pencils by Shaun Watson, Inks by Eryn Mathiew, Script by Shaun Watson and Eryn Mathiew

This one was a co-production between myself and Miss Eryn Mathiew, a player in one of my tabletop games. We brainstormed a character and situations to draw for the comic, and somehow we ended up with a cybernetic apple warrior with the face of Angelina Jolie. I kind of regret not finishing this…but maybe I will…

Dragon Tithes: 2013 24-Hour Comic Book Day Contest (side-story)

I felt bad about not being able to complete the book with Eryn, so I did another comic with the hopes of feeling better. This one’s based on one of the major villains of my tabletop gaming campaigns and his attempt to skip paying tithes to his dark patron. The story was very concise, in six pages.